Ross District Director Rules Out Fourth District Run
by December 12, 2011 5:32 pm 550 views
Scratch another name off the list.
Cong. Mike Ross’ (D) District Director Jeff Weaver says he won’t be a candidate to succeed his retiring boss.
Weaver tells Talk Business that he will not seek the Democratic nomination for Fourth District Congress in 2012.
“I was incredibly honored to be encouraged by many people, including Congressman Ross, to run for Congress in Arkansas’s Fourth Congressional District. However, after a lot of prayer and deliberations with family and friends, I have decided to not run for Congress at this time. I very much appreciate the support and encouragement I have received, but the vigor of a campaign and the required travel back and forth to Washington if I had won are simply too much for my family and me at this time,” said Weaver.
“I remain confident that Democrats will keep the Fourth District, because it’s Arkansas Democrats that fight for working families, children, seniors and veterans every day. It’s also been Arkansas Democrats that have given our state a balanced budget year after year and it’s been Arkansas Democrats that stand up to the special interests to do what’s right. The people of southern and western Arkansas don’t want a party loyalist, they want someone loyal to them. A proud Arkansas Democrat can and will win Arkansas’s Fourth Congressional District,” he added.
The current field of Arkansas Democratic candidates includes State Senator Gene Jeffress (D-Louann) and former U.S. Senate candidate D.C. Morrison. Weaver said he will wait until a nominee is selected before announcing who he will support.
Republican candidates include Tom Cotton, John Cowart, Beth Anne Rankin, and Marcus Richmond. Last week, Talk Business reported that Rankin picked up the support of a potential candidate, former State Rep. Bobby Tullis.
Tullis was considering a Fourth District run as a Libertarian. He has served as a Democratic State Representative and run for State Auditor as a Democrat and State Treasurer as a Green Party candidate.