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Vendors Raise $20,000 For Walton Scholars

The 12th Vendors FORE Education golf tournament July 18 at Stonebridge Country Club in Fayetteville netted $20,000 to fund scholarships for students at the Walton College of Business Center for Retailing Excellence at the University of Arkansas.

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Roaming Verizon ‘Test Guy’ Real Deal

Cell phone companies employ test men and women who drive around searching for wireless dead zones. These technicians – driving about 31 million miles annually and making millions of test calls – are constantly monitoring the network.

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Terminella Determined to Depose MNB’s Rogers

In our June 30 Whispers, we told you about Metropolitan National Bank of Little Rock seeking sanctions against Tom Terminella for blasting the bank’s public statement after it signed an agreement May 23 with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.