by Talk Business & Politics -

City Signage to Guide Tourist Traffic

Bentonville is working with the Philadelphia-based firm MERJE Graphic Design to develop a wayfinding plan that will guide visitors to key attractions such as the downtown Bentonville Square and the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Specter Bounces Card Check

We just don’t think that the Employee Free Choice Act is the best proposal that Congress can devise. Despite what its supporters say, it would erode a bedrock principle of American democracy: the secret ballot. If the National Labor Relations Act needs to

by Talk Business & Politics -

Mistakes Made in Fed Misquotes

David Nicklaus, a reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, wrote that Robert Rasche, research director at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, had been misquoted by an Arkansas reporter. The reporter apparently used the “D word” instead of “recession”