Tag: Maylon Rice

by The City Wire staff -

Same-sex cohabitation and Amendment 83

This week, one of the most often violated “laws” on unmarried cohabitation in child-custody cases was finally ended by a ruling from the Arkansas Supreme Court. No longer will unmarried,…

by The City Wire staff -

Watching the Independents

The off-year elections held in states elsewhere than Arkansas seem to be following a theme that’s held true since the end of the 16-day government shut down last month. There…

by The City Wire staff -

Face first in the public trough

When Republican candidate Mark Darr of Rogers burst onto the political scene in 2010, few thought the 37-year old former insurance agent and Pizza parlor owner had a chance to…

by The City Wire staff -

Fairness, adequacy and tax cuts

As 2013 was undoubtedly proclaimed “the Year of the Republican” in the Arkansas House and Senate, campaign 2014 might be defined as the year of talking about taxes. This past…

by The City Wire staff -

Are teachers state employees?

Ask yourself this question: “Are Arkansas school teachers state employees?” Now ask the next five people you meet that same question? Are your informal survey(s) as split evenly as mine? I’ll…

by The City Wire staff -

The need to swear

“Raise your right hand.” Usually, when one hears those four little words things start to get serious in a court of law. And now, it seems, testifying in front of…

by The City Wire staff -

A lesson learned from the UA fiasco?

The ongoing saga at the Advancement Division of the state’s flagship University, while still mired in controversy, took a different turn this week. Finally, someone on campus, Dr. John Watkins,…

by The City Wire staff -

Alice and the Rockwells

It’s not often one gets to give a suggestion to a member of the wealthy billionaire Walton Clan of Northwest Arkansas. But here goes. “Dear Ms. Alice: “Please consider buying…

by The City Wire staff -

Rep. Womack’s fashion statement

Ah, that pesky First Amendment. It cuts both ways, or so we learned this week from Arkansas’ 3rd District Congressman Steve Womack, R-Rogers, and a self-proclaimed “Mexican-American” student named Yardley…

by The City Wire staff -

Recycling education

While the vocal critics of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality rage on about the lack of public notices of their various permitting corporate hog farms near the Buffalo River,…

by The City Wire staff -

Bigger than a postcard

This past week, the 1.3 million Wal-Mart associates in the United States received a post card reminder that the open enrollment dates for their health plan insurance is approaching. But…

by The City Wire staff -


Hogallejuh, football is finally here. All across Northwest Arkansas and the Fort Smith region as high school gridiron teams get ready to kick it off this coming week and over…

by The City Wire staff -

The power struggle

Off to the eastern edge of Arkansas’ great Northwest, a battle has been brewing that recently took a rare “conservationist turn,” thanks to the often maligned U.S. Army Corps of Engineers….

by The City Wire staff -

Lottery ticket turmoil

The next step in the embarrassing theft scheme unearthed at the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery looks like an outdoor fracas between two drunken red-necks. Lots of yelling or posturing for action….

by The City Wire staff -

It’s not about the guns

An opinion from Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel issued this past week has escalated the debate on the rights of carrying guns, the need for additional school safety, and the…

by The City Wire staff -

Notes on the ‘no sales-tax’ weekend

The upcoming weekend of August 3-4 will be Arkansas’ third “no sales tax” weekend on back-to-school clothing, equipment, supplies and instructional materials. Looking back, one has to wonder why it…

by The City Wire staff -

Dick and Jane and Tom Cotton

In the fall of 1960, I became friends with a pair of All-American looking kids and their daily activities. Their names were Dick and Jane. Dick had dark brown hair,…

by The City Wire staff -

‘Blueway’ madness

It was not a swift death. But thankfully, a merciful one, albeit by the hand of a federal appointee. Sally Jewell, the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, pulled the plug…

by The City Wire staff -

‘Do all you can’

Never let it be said that Mike Beebe was a “lame duck” governor in his final term as the state’s chief. Just not true. This past week, standing in front…

by The City Wire staff -

The Gov./Lt. Gov. alliance history

Only those with a short or nonexistent memory of Arkansas politics would scoff at the alliance pledged this past week between gubernatorial  candidate Mike Ross and wanna-be Lt. Governor candidate…