Tag: insurance

by Talk Business & Politics -

Arkansas? ROA Second in Region

In the second quarter of 2008, Arkansas banks collectively had a return on their average assets of 1.03 percent, ranking as No. 2 of the seven states in the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank?s Eighth District. The district includes all of Arkansas and parts of si

by Talk Business & Politics -

Barber Battles Shift to Court Clerk

On Oct. 1, Barber?s Lynnkohn LLC, which filed for Chapter 11 protection on Aug. 20 to stave off the scheduled foreclosure sale of the Legacy Building, sued Washington County Circuit Court clerk Bette Stamps.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Hello, HP (Editorial)

If Arkansas doesn’t provide economic incentives, other states will, and it may be time to reconsider Amendment 82’s $500 million qualifying limit.