Tag: Industries

by Paul Gatling -

Field Agent: Walmart Wins Black Friday

Using its location-specific crowdsourcing app, the Fayetteville-based mobile research company developed a real-time scoreboard to come up with a top 10 list of which stores were getting the first dollar from customers.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Locomotive Lawsuit

Two of 45 people involved in the Arkansas & Missouri Railroad derailment in October have filed lawsuits, seeking compensation for injuries sustained during the accident.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Blooming Dogwoods

No matter the outcome of the civil right ordinance vote, the sun will continue to rise, and soon it will be spring, and Fayetteville will bloom with dogwoods.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Dog Bite

PetSmart Inc., the largest pet store in the country, is about to be washed and groomed by hedge fund tycoon Barry Rosenstein, the founder and managing