Tag: Guest Commentary

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Be Glad for Thy Neighbor

Separatists in Northwest Arkansas ? those local-pride purveyors who would have us succeed and found a new state buoyed by the economic might of freight, chicken quarters and discounted scented candles ? were miffed by Jonesboro?s recent good fortune.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Brave the Limb, Save the Tree

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Eighteen months ago, those words seemed to have been written for the management challenge I was facing.

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Sprawl Blues Can Be Avoided

We read a recent newsletter from the Eighth Federal Reserve District Bank of St. Louis that gauges urban sprawl in Memphis. The article discusses ways to make the city more efficient.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Talk To Your Kids About Debt

I really like those television ads reminding us to talk to our kids about drugs, alcohol, sex and tobacco, but I?m starting to wonder if ignorance of basic personal finance principles isn?t as much a threat to our children?s future as any of the above.