Tag: Guest Commentary

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Oh, Never Mind

Incredibly, it seems the poetically ironic election of a Republican senator from Massachusetts has left many politicians with the idea they can just stop talking about health care reform.

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Now He Asks

The loss of $35 million or $40 million from the tax-generating economy over three months is not nearly enough to be the sole or even the largest reason for the downturn in state revenue collections.

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‘Tis the Season of Hope

The Christmas season and the soon coming of a new year always bring hope. Many businesses depend heavily on the holiday season to turn a profit for the year – hence the term Black Friday.

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The Demise of the Dollar

A lack of regulatory oversight and aggressive deficit spending by both government and consumers led to the recession, but now the federal government is tackling the recession by spending even more money.

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Leaders ?Get Real? at Milestone

The Milestone Leadership Journey is a signature program of the Soderquist Center for Leadership and Ethics typically unites executives for three days of intensive instructional and experiential learning.

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Old News

It was with a small measure of dread the editors of the Northwest Arkansas Business Journal researched, then reported, a story about the merger of operations between Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Inc. and Stephens Media LLC and their respective publications.