Tag: Guest Commentary

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Are You My Friend? (Opinion)

The parable of the good Samaritan is layered with meanings that aren’t readily apparent – class, race, hypocrisy, even business – but even the most casual reader gets this: Jesus broadened dramatically the definition of what it means to be a neighbor.

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Forums Foster Leading Thought

If you’re a business leader, chances are you’ve spent some time in the last year at your desk staring off into an abyss of frustration. Maybe your head was in your hands. Maybe you cried or cussed or prayed.

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Recession Deficits

Householders seeing more money going out than coming in are advised to take a two-pronged approach to financial well-being: 1. Spend less; 2. Earn more.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Get Off My Back, Put Me Back on My Feet

n 2004, according to CBS surveys, 47 percent of Americans trusted the federal government to do the right thing most or all of the time. By last fall, according to the same poll, trust in government had dropped by half.