Tag: Government & Politics

by Talk Business & Politics -

It Does Happen Here

More than $1 million worth of jewelry was stolen from Perry?s Jewelry in Fayetteville during the March 1982 abduction of owners Bob and Doris Perry and their son, Hoyt.

by Michael Tilley -

Fayetteville to Consider Extending HMR Tax

The ordinance review committee of the Fayetteville City Council will meet Feb. 21 to consider a proposal to extend the city?s 2 percent hotel/motel/restaurant (HMR) tax to convenience stores, carry-out pizza businesses and grocery store delicatessens.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Council Violated Spirit of FOI Law

We believe the Fayetteville City Council violated the spirit of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act on Jan. 16 when it voted 5-4 in private for an interim city attorney, then convened in public to stage a fake unanimous vote.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Come, Mr. Tally Man

University of Arkansas Chancellor John White chokes on his own joke while introducing Gov. Mike Huckabee on Northwest Arkansas Regional Chamber Day.