Tag: Fort Smith area home sales

by The City Wire staff -

Oklahoma resilience

May was a difficult, heart wrenching month for the state of Oklahoma. The lives of at least 40 men, women and children were cut short by tornadoes that ripped through towns…

by Michael Tilley -

The politics of nonsense

Enough already with folks like our United States Senator Mark Pryor of Arkansas saying Obamacare is not so bad because the Republican-controlled legislature in Arkansas voted for a plan to…

by The City Wire staff -

Whirlpool on Wall Street

If one were to look around, one might revel at the active and ever-changing events emblazoned in our world. Crisis and calamities stun us, while occasional good fortune favors us….

by The City Wire staff -

Pryor the target

United States Senator Mark Pryor, while not a favorite of  many in state and national pundits, is still talking “straight and tough.” And like it or not, every day that…