Tag: David Potts

by The City Wire staff -

Sequester your own budget

What a non-event this sequestration was! We listen to the news where journalists and politicians, in a near frenzy, predict dire consequences for our country and everybody within its borders…

by The City Wire staff -

State government and basic math

I’ve been fighting and arguing with a certain business assessor in the Sebastian County Tax Assessor Office for at least two years, probably more. I am right and she is…

by The City Wire staff -

Open season

Tax Season 2013 is open! Kind of. Jan. 30 marked the first day that individual taxpayers were able to file their federal income tax returns. This day was later than…

by The City Wire staff -

Staying under 50

An obstacle to small business growth beginning in 2014 is the provision of the Affordable Care Act that requires businesses with more than 50 full-time equivalent employees to provide their…

by The City Wire staff -

A cab driver’s smirk

I was riding in a taxicab last Tuesday night in Manhattan after seeing the Broadway musical "Wicked." My wife, her sister, and a friend were riding in the back seat,…

by The City Wire staff -

A professional shell game

Let me apologize up front for writing a somewhat technical article. However I’ve been watching journalists and commentators for most of 2012 reporting on the battle over tax policy between…

by The City Wire staff -

Of elections and heritage

A couple of major events happened last week. The one event everybody knows about is that President Obama was re-elected. The other event that nobody cares about but me is…

by The City Wire staff -

Opportunity cost

I can’t refer to any particular survey or study to verify my hunch, but I’m sure by far that Economics is one of the most popular and in-demand classes on…

by The City Wire staff -

Honor every threat

Last Friday night I was walking into the kitchen to get a Triple Double Oreo Neapolitan cookie. The kitchen TV was on CNN. Anderson Cooper was interviewing Paul Begala about…

by The City Wire staff -

How stupid are you?

This past Friday morning I turned on the television in time to see a discussion between CNBC’s Squawk Box hosts and Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter and the school’s…

by The City Wire staff -

Passion pursuit

I wonder what the word count would be if you took all the negative and discouraging words spoken in, about, and around the Republican and Democratic National Conventions the past…

by The City Wire staff -

The broom man

Tax season, for CPAs, can be hellacious. Clients are anxious to get their tax returns so you work long hours. A person tends to get tired, perhaps even a bit…

by The City Wire staff -

You can do it

My wife says I’m not sensitive. I might not be at times. One time, after helping a client fire a manager who was underperforming, I was told by this client…

by The City Wire staff -

Use the uncertainty

This summer the subject of income taxes has triggered much talk, mixed with misinformation and demonstrations of anxiety. The first half of the year we had to wait to see…

by The City Wire staff -

21 new taxes

Since June 28, the date the Supreme Court ruled on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the mandate requiring individuals to purchase health insurance or…

by The City Wire staff -

Thumb your nose at Washington

“it’s constitutional. Bitches” (Punctuated as tweeted) Just in case you missed it, the above quote was tweeted Thursday by Patrick Gaspard, the Democratic National Committee’s Executive Director, when he learned…

by The City Wire staff -

2% or 20%?

A friend related to me a conversation he had a few years back with a yellow pages salesman. The salesman was explaining to him the difference, in his opinion, between…

by The City Wire staff -

The mission thing

A month or so ago, I mentioned to a friend and colleague that we needed to plan the direction of our firm over the next couple of years. He responded…