Tag: Agriculture & Poultry

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Recovery Continues as Costs Rise

Damage estimates are still being calculated for the two-day ice event that left more than 350,000 customers without power throughout Arkansas, but preliminary reports already put the cost of cleanup and repair at more than $20 million in the two-county ar

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Litter Mitigation, Litigation Moves Ahead

As Oklahoma’s case against Tyson Foods Inc., Simmons Foods Inc., George’s Inc. and others plods through its fourth year with a tentative trial date set for this September, parallel efforts locally and in Washington D.C. are aiming to make Edmondson’s laws

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Trucking, Tyson Face Fuel Issues

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the Tyson PAC donated 62 percent of its contributions to Republican candidates at the federal level in the four election cycles from 2000-2006. The American Trucking Associations PAC had an even greater rat

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Democratic Trend Draws More Wal-Mart Dollars

The political action committees for Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Tyson Foods Inc. have dramatically altered the direction of their dollars this year with high-stakes issues affecting their companies to be decided by the next Congress and President.

by Talk Business & Politics -

Hello, HP (Editorial)

If Arkansas doesn’t provide economic incentives, other states will, and it may be time to reconsider Amendment 82’s $500 million qualifying limit.