Tag: 2014 gubernatorial race

by The City Wire staff -

Hutchinson’s Herculean challenge

The proofreaders for the Mike Ross gubernatorial inauguration invitations have been hired and called in to work early. Such were some of the early notes from the conventional political wisdom…

by The City Wire staff -

Mike, Mike and Mike: What are the odds?

If former Democratic Congressman Mike Ross is elected Arkansas governor in 2014, he’ll be the third consecutive Arkansas governor named Mike. Based on admittedly superficial estimates by The City Wire,…

by The City Wire staff -

Ross talks gay marriage, gun laws, jobs

Count former U.S. Rep. Mike Ross, D-Prescott, as one Democrat who disagrees with Arkansas Economic Development Commission director Grant Tennille's support of gay marriage. At a July 8 press conference,…

by The City Wire staff -

The Gov./Lt. Gov. alliance history

Only those with a short or nonexistent memory of Arkansas politics would scoff at the alliance pledged this past week between gubernatorial  candidate Mike Ross and wanna-be Lt. Governor candidate…