Tag: 2013 General Assembly

by The City Wire staff -

Arkansas legislators form steel caucus

About 30 Arkansas lawmakers announced Thursday (Feb. 7) the formation of the Legislative Steel Caucus, a coalition of government and business leaders hoping to duplicate what the natural gas industry…

by The City Wire staff -

Busting GOP myths

“Government Doesn’t Create Jobs” “Arkansas is not a good jobs magnet.” The above phrases are among the top GOP mythologies parroted often by Republicans, with the first phrase even recited…

by The City Wire staff -

Bill filing and bill killing

• Senate Report: Week 3 review This past week saw some extremely positive news from the Governor with the announcement of our state’s first “Super Project” which happened to be…

by The City Wire staff -

Building consensus

• Senate Report: Week 2 review While there is still a hint of sluggishness to the Session, it is beginning to pick up some momentum. Bills are being filed, committees agendas…

by The City Wire staff -

Arkansas Medicaid expansion debated

Medicaid expansion in Arkansas was recently debated via guest commentaries by Joe Thompson, Arkansas’ Surgeon General and Director of the Arkansas Center of Health Improvement, and Dan Greenberg, a lawyer,…

by The City Wire staff -

The debates begin

• Senate Report: Week 1 review If pomp and circumstance is appealing to you, then the first couple of days of the Session would be quite exciting. There are grand gestures…