Tusk to Tail

by The City Wire staff -

Tusk to Tail: 8 more quarters

On 8:15 Saturday night, Tusk to Tail had just witnessed Texas A&M play above their heads while Alabama could not stay perfect after an emotional win in Cajun country the…

by The City Wire staff -

Tusk to Tail: 20 years

As Jason Parker pointed out in his column this week, Ole Miss is coming to Little Rock for the first time since 1992. How dramatically have things changed over the…

by The City Wire staff -

Tusk to Tail: Zombie tailgaters

This week marks the return of The Walking Dead, the television series set in a desolate landscape, virtually uninhabited by the living. Tailgating this weekend in Fayetteville almost felt like…

by The City Wire staff -

Tusk to Tail: Over the hump

We are halfway there.  Living on a prayer?  Not exactly. Winning at Auburn was the midpoint of the season. When a team hits its stride, it is frequently called mid-season…

by The City Wire staff -

Tusk to Tail: Now we have Hope

What a difference a week makes. Following a rain-drenched throttling at Texas A&M last week, the Razorbacks prevailed on the plains of Auburn on what may have been one of…