
by The City Wire staff -

In defense of Sen. Cotton

United States Senator Tom Cotton last week wrote a letter to the Iranian Ayatollah, stating that the President’s on-going nuclear negotiations with the terrorist state are ill conceived and non-binding….

by The City Wire staff -

A flowery anchor for Crystal Bridges

Back in November there were hints, niggling little bits of rumor, that the world’s most famous painting of jimson weed (Datura stramonium) might be coming to Bentonville. And sure enough…

by The City Wire staff -

They called him ‘stupid’

Considering the busy schedule of many who read The City Wire, it borders on unreasonable to ask you to watch a 25-minute video produced by a junior high student in…

by The City Wire staff -

Cronyism and forms of government

One of the most common reasons I hear for opposition to Fort Smith changing its form of government to the mayor/council for is cronyism. I personally think this argument is…

by The City Wire staff -

Re-homing should be illegal

A loud public outcry has risen this past week over the revelation that Rep. Justin Harris, R-West Fork and his spouse, Marsha, after legally adopting two young girls, “gave” these…

by Michael Tilley -

Muddy shovels and needle movers

If or when the post-Great Recession history of Fort Smith is written, a leading candidate as an historic marker in the economic recovery will be the recent and well-attended cold…

by The City Wire staff -

A death penalty alternative

This past week, retired Circuit Judge David Burnett, now state Senator David Burnett, D-Osceola, let his temper get the best of him. He openly castigated a remark made by one…

by Michael Tilley -

The trail money money trail

The Fort Smith Board of Directors may not have had a full battery of information when approving a ballot question seeking voter approval of a plan to spend more than…

by The City Wire staff -

The open carry question

By now, a lot of Arkansans have heard about the “open carry” controversy stirred up by a billboard outside of Conway advising citizens that state law allows them to openly…

by The City Wire staff -

Avoiding ‘rage without focus’

The 90th General Assembly – thus far splendidly absent notable drama – is reaching its halfway point. Debates over taxes and healthcare are temporarily suspended, creating an opportunity for other…

by The City Wire staff -

Hutchinson’s honeymoon

It seems as if Asa Hutchinson is enjoying a honeymoon period at the helm of the Arkansas' state government. Given that a public official’s approval rating is usually rock solid…