
by Michael Tilley -

A lack of confidence

Raising of Fort Smith sewer rates in a process that will more than triple the average bill by 2017 is not a problem. It’s not welcome news, but we’ve been…

by The City Wire staff -

Fort Smith: A great place to die

I recently had an “Aha!” moment. I’ve worried about the Greater Fort Smith Region’s lack of economic growth, the loss of our youth to other cities and states in order…

by The City Wire staff -

A nice bump for Gov. Hutchinson

The latest poll out from Talk Business & Politics, Hendrix College and Impact Management Group give Gov. Asa Hutchinson a significant 11% jump to a 63% approval rating. The 11%…

by The City Wire staff -

Narrowing the skills gap

This week I signed into law three bills that form our workforce-training plan. Afterwards, a Little Rock television station ran a story about a fellow named Lawrence Aaron. A student…

by The City Wire staff -

Anxiety about legal anxiety

According to the Stanford News, a law professor at that particular college is working on his doctorate in psychology and is putting his training to use by putting together a…

by The City Wire staff -

Notes on the grumpy season

It’s that time of year again. It arrives the same time each year. A sign this time is here is the number of usually smiling people you see with scowls….

by The City Wire staff -

Clinton’s ‘dare to compete’

“Dare to compete” is the title of one the chapters in Secretary Hillary Clinton’s best-selling autobiography, “Living History.” In that chapter of the book, then U.S. First Lady Clinton recalls…

by Michael Tilley -

Some you can’t replace

Having watched and interviewed elected officials for more than 30 years, there are only two with which it was easily and immediately evident why they were popular and successful: Bill…

by The City Wire staff -

A chance for no vetoes

Despite several versions of on-line petitions and even a harsh rebuke from the chairman of the Democratic Party of Arkansas, Gov. Asa Hutchinson will not issue a “veto” this session….

by The City Wire staff -

The language of ‘vision’

Much of our thought process is language-based. As a consequence, our vocabulary and understanding of language can determine the quality of our thinking and understanding about life. The risk of…

by The City Wire staff -

No amendments for the 2016 ballot?

Startling word leaked out of the state Capitol this past week. Arkansas voters in November 2016 may not face a referred Constitutional Amendment submitted by the Legislature of the 90th…

by Michael Tilley -

Passions of the Sen. Cotton

The good Senator Tom Cotton isn’t acting like the farm boy from Yell County who was dominant in his campaign commercials. Those small town, farm values he loaded up in…