
by The City Wire staff -

Tax cuts, healthcare and job growth

There’s been plenty of good news about the Arkansas economy lately. More Arkansans are trying to work and more are finding work when they look, according to recently released numbers….

by The City Wire staff -

A ‘village’ of partners

What does the 21st century hold for our young people? How do we prepare them for an unpredictable and unprecedented future in a global society? To begin to answer these pressing…

by The City Wire staff -

Career centered education

This year, we worked hard to fund four new Career Centers in Ashdown, Clarksville, Mountain Home and Paris, Arkansas. This gives us more than 32 Career Centers in Arkansas. These…

by The City Wire staff -

Let teachers teach

I’ll never forget what one of the best public school teachers I ever knew said about performance programs and those results. “If I had taken the career path to follow…

by The City Wire staff -

Connecting with patients

We moved my mom and step-dad back to Arkansas from Amarillo, Texas, a couple of years ago so they would be closer to my brother, sister, and me (not to…

by The City Wire staff -

Other angles of Fort Smith history

Two events this month feature crucial aspects of Fort Smith’s social history. Saturday, (Sept. 12), the 1865 Council of Fort Smith will be featured, and Thursday, Sept. 24, the role…

by The City Wire staff -

Climate change is here

“Wow, the water sure looks high.” My wife said this as we were visiting our hometown of St. Augustine, Fla, this summer. We were on Matanzas Bay, separated from the…

by The City Wire staff -

That is all

The last line in the 1970 hit movie “M.A.S.H” is simple and emotionally fitting: “That is all.” It now seems a simple and fitting response to a speech Monday night…

by Michael Tilley -

Carter’s charity

It’s not likely I’ll soon praise the presidency of Jimmy Carter, if for no other reason than dad would disown me. He is not a fan of the Georgia peanut…

by The City Wire staff -

The politics of A.P.E.

In 2013, right after she stepped down as U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton enjoyed a high approval rating from the American people. Her trust level was on solid ground….

by The City Wire staff -

10 ideas to reduce student loan debt

On Monday, Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton proposed increasing federal spending by $350 billion to provide college student debt relief. Here are a few ways to lower student debt for…

by The City Wire staff -

A visit to Arkansas City

For five miles east of McGehee, Highway 4 is as straight as the Delta farmland is flat. Headed toward the Mississippi River, you see the levee rising in the distance….

by Michael Tilley -

Escalating the avoidance

Recent commentary suggesting citizens should avoid escalation during police interactions to avoid negative outcomes serves only to escalate avoidance of what is a broad and complex problem. Reducing violence and…

by The City Wire staff -

Avoiding the escalation

Another police officer is dead, murdered in the streets of Memphis, Tennessee. Only a few weeks ago, two police officers were gunned down on the streets of Jackson, Mississippi. Murders…

by The City Wire staff -

The secret embezzler

I have a particular dislike for bookkeepers and accountants who commit fraud and embezzle from their employers. The act is vile and the person committing the fraud betrays their employer’s…

by The City Wire staff -

The economic benefit of the arts

Civic leaders increasingly recognize that the arts, creative place-making and arts tourism not only provide social and cultural benefits to our community but economic benefits as well. We need only…