
by Williams Yamkam -

Trump and a few big ‘What ifs’

guest commentary by Dr. Williams Yamkam Editor’s note: Dr. Williams Yamkam is an assistant professor of Political Science at the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith where he teaches multiple…

by Michael Tilley -

Another year on the SOB watch

Editor’s note: This essay first appeared Dec. 28, 2008, on The City Wire, now Talk Business & Politics. It continues to be an appropriate note to begin a new year….

by John Burris -

GOP should walk in George Bailey’s shoes

Editor’s note: John Burris is a former member of the Arkansas Legislature and the author of this opinion column. Opinions, commentary and other essays posted in this space are wholly…

by Daniel Maher -

Fort Smith’s bicentennial heritage

guest commentary by Daniel Maher Editor’s note: This commentary is part of a collaboration between the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith and Talk Business & Politics to deliver an…

by John Burris -

The GOP beyond The Donald

Editor’s note: John Burris is a former member of the Arkansas Legislature. Opinions, commentary and other essays posted in this space are wholly the view of the author(s). They may…

by Ancil Lea -

Securing a Happy New Year for healthcare

Editor’s note: Ancil Lea, author of this guest commentary, has worked with more than 1,500 physicians, clinics, out-patient surgery centers, and hospitals to help with everything from medical software to…

by Michael Tilley -

Riff Raff: Enraged and enlightened, revisited

Editor’s note: This essay was first published Dec. 18, 2011. –––––––––– My closet hero has died. He called Bill Clinton a rapist. He wrote frequently of his distaste for George…

by Keith Crawford -

Small business not immune from cyber crime

Editor’s note: Keith Crawford is a senior IT consultant with Little Rock-based Mainstream Technologies. Opinions, commentary and other essays posted in this space are wholly the view of the author(s)….

by Talk Business & Politics staff -

Fort Smith’s color problem

Talk Business & Politics editorial ––––––––––––– Not only is the troubling low number of African Americans employed by the Fort Smith police and fire departments an embarrassment, but the issue…

by Sam Sicard -

A contrast In fiscal responsibility

Editor’s note: Sam T. Sicard is president and CEO of Fort Smith-based First Bank Corp. Opinions, commentary and other essays posted in this space are wholly the view of the…