Author: Steve Brawner

by Steve Brawner -

Hillary Clinton Sounds Themes, Jabs Trump And Bush

Former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took shots at Donald Trump and the Republican Party while sounding some of her campaign’s populist economic themes in Little Rock Saturday night to an arena full of Democrats.

by Steve Brawner -

Termination Notices Sent To 25,000 Private Option Recipients

Arkansas Medicaid officials have sent notices of termination to 25,000 Medicaid beneficiaries, almost all of them recipients of the state’s private option, informing them that they are losing their eligibility because they did not respond to a request for income verification.

by Steve Brawner -

Gallup Polls: ACA Support Up, Uninsureds Down

Support for the Affordable Care Act has increased slightly since the King v. Burwell decision, though more Americans disapprove than approve, while the percentage of uninsured American adults dropped slightly…

by Steve Brawner -

CDC: Heroin Use On The Rise

Heroin deaths nearly doubled from 2011 to 2013, while use of the drug is increasing among most American demographic groups, most notably women, people with private insurance, and those with…