Author: Michael Tilley

by Michael Tilley -

Guess who’s coming to dinner

Some or all members of the Fort Smith Board of Directors often gather at a restaurant following their regularly scheduled voting meetings. The media has not received advanced notice of…

by Michael Tilley -

Analysis of the analysis

It was September 2013 when the Fort Smith Board of Directors encouraged city staff to do more to incorporate compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles into the city fleet. At the…

by Michael Tilley -

Do stuff

Comes now Kaitlin Stephens serving as a timely example to students returning to school: Do stuff. Do a lot of stuff. Do a lot of different stuff. Do a lot…

by Michael Tilley -

Discouraged and disappointed

One may admire the perseverance of Fort Smith City Directors Kevin Settle and Mike Lorenz in their effort to quash any discussion of how the city handles its legal needs,…

by Michael Tilley -

Losing our faith

There are important issues facing America and Arkansas but our two candidates for United States Senate appear to be more concerned with throwing each other under the church bus. The…

by Michael Tilley -

Reflecting, already

The back and forth advertisements from Arkansas gubernatorial hopefuls Asa Hutchinson and Mike Ross often elicit an emotion a more disciplined journalist would not reveal. And that emotion is this:…

by Michael Tilley -

Economic stability. Now what?

The corpus of the Fort Smith regional economy is not a fully recovered patient but we should pause to take note of recent positive developments. The developments may offer even…

by Michael Tilley -

Just don’t call him a Savior

A simple and smart-alecky assessment could be that singer-songwriter Sturgill Simpson ran out of beer before he ran out of herb and converted an empty Bud can into a bong…

by Michael Tilley -

Isbell the AMP and You

He dang sure shouldn’t be, but Jason Isbell was an afterthought on the promo stuff announcing a July 7 concert at the AMP in Northwest Arkansas.  Isbell would probably be…