Green hotel and restaurant program launched by Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 140 views 

The Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission (KAB) has announced a new “green” hotel and restaurant initiative aimed at attracting eco-conscious travelers to the area.

In a press release, KAB said the effort’s purpose is “to unify the tourism industry’s efforts to provide eco-friendly hospitality options to travelers,” and that, effective immediately, it would begin providing “hoteliers, lodge operators and restauranteurs with customizable door hangers, counter displays, fliers/brochures, room cards and other materials promoting the establishment’s commitment to sustainable practices.”

According to data from the Green Hotels and Responsible Tourism Initiative, hotels adopting green practices have seen a reduction in energy and water consumption costs by more than 20% and solid waste and wastewater disposal costs by more than 15%.

KAB’s new materials, which those in the hospitality industry may download here, are intended to spotlight the “green” strategies a hotel or restaurant is using in its daily operations.

“We are thrilled to work with businesses whose green practices align with our core mission,” said Robert Phelps, KAB executive director. “The Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission has worked diligently to keep The Natural State clean and green by encouraging waste reduction and resource conservation. Arkansans routinely know to reduce, reuse and recycle wherever possible and to prevent litter that harms our state’s attractiveness. Naturally, our next step is to work with our visitors and the hospitality industry that are a vital part of our state’s economy.”

The KAB Commission consists of a program staff and a nine-member, governor-appointed advisory board, and operates as a division of the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism. All operations and programs are funded through a 1% portion of the 1/8-cent Conservation Tax. Highly dependent on volunteers, KAB reports $6 in community service per program dollar spent.