State Legislators Pass Resolution Against Proposed EPA Restrictions

by KUAR FM 89.1 ([email protected]) 102 views 

From Sarah Whites-Koditschek with our content partner, KUAR FM 89.1:

State lawmakers are opposing the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rules to reduce CO2 emissions in Arkansas 44% by 2030.

On Tuesday, the Arkansas Senate and House committees on Insurance and Commerce passed a resolution against the plan.

Duane Highley, President and CEO of the Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp., told lawmakers the new regulations would mean replacing coal energy. He said that would lead to an increase in electricity rates and could drive away industry.

According to Highley, Arkansas needs more time to develop an alternative plan for C02 reduction in collaboration with other states.

“We’d really like to see multi-state cooperation on compliance with this rule. If the state goes alone, the rate impact will be about twice as large as if we could partner with neighboring states to achieve compliance,” he said.

Teresa Marks, Director of the state’s Department of Environmental Quality, spoke to lawmakers about potential economic impacts of the proposed regulation.

“We do feel the number is too stringent. We have done some extensive research into that and we will be commenting on that to the EPA in the hope that that will change in the final rule. Certainly, when the rule is finalized and we know exactly what the EPA is going to expect of us, there’s legal challenges that could be made,” said Marks.

Glen Hooks of the Sierra Club of Arkansas said recently the proposed rules are a step forward for the state.

“For the first time, some of our older, dirty plants will actually have to take in consideration the amount of carbon dioxide that they’re pumping into our air. Currently, there are no limits on that,” Hooks said.

“Power plants can do as much as they need to do and we’re seeing those effects on climate disruption. So power plants in Arkansas, especially dirty coal-fired plants will have to begin limiting that,” he added.

The state’s Department of Environmental Quality must respond to the EPA’s proposed regulations by October 15. The rule should be finalized June of 2015, at which point the state can file suit against the requirements.

You can access the full report here.