Cong. French Hill: ‘Bring Iran Back To The Table’

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 170 views 

Second District Congressman French Hill, R-Little Rock, says the Iran deal doesn’t accomplish the President’s objectives, the IRS has systemic flaws, and a long-term federal highway bill can still pass in this Congress.

Appearing on this week’s edition of Talk Business & Politics with Roby Brock, which airs Sundays at 9 a.m. on KATV Ch. 7, Hill said the U.S.-Iran agreement will be a contentious subject when Congress returns from recess.

Hill said President Obama had two primary objectives in negotiating the Iran deal: deny Iran a nuclear weapon and allow for “anytime, anywhere” nuclear inspections.

“His proposal does neither one of those things,” said Hill, a first-term Republican.

“What I’d like to see is we keep the sanctions regime up – we had that with our Western partners, even it’s not universal. And then we bring Iran back to the table and get a better deal on the release of their money that’s been frozen and their sanction relief over time with more milestones. And then we have a verification system on inspections that I think is more robust,” he said.

Hill said that vote counting on the deal continues.

“In my view, I think the votes are there to disagree with the President on the agreement, but I don’t know if we have the votes to override a potential Presidential veto. I think that vote counting is still going on as we speak,” said Hill.

Cong. Hill also shared his thoughts on his call for the resignation of the IRS commissioner, a long-term highway funding bill, and what he sees happening in the current Presidential race.

Watch his full interview below.