Cloture Vote On Planned Parenthood Defunding Fails

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 129 views 

A vote to bring a bill that would have defunded Planned Parenthood to the Senate floor failed Monday.

The Senate voted 53-46 against invoking cloture on the bill, S. 1881.

Sens. John Boozman, R-Ark. and Tom Cotton, R-Ark., voted yes on the cloture motion.

The bill was supported by 51 Republicans and two Democrats, Sens. Joe Manchin, D-WV and Joe Donnelly, D-Ind.

The bill was opposed by 42 Democrats, two independents and two Republicans – Sens. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., and Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

McConnell voted against the bill in order to have the option of bringing the bill up again for debate.

Both Boozman and Cotton said the issue, which developed after a series of videos reportedly showing Planned Parenthood officials talking about the sale and trading of body parts of fetuses, must be addressed.

“It’s time to end federal funding of Planned Parenthood. This organization shows a clear disregard for the sanctity of life. Hardworking taxpayers should not be footing the bill for these inhumane practices. I am appalled by the actions described in the recently released videos and will continue to defend the rights of the unborn,” Boozman said.

“Ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood should be one issue that transcends partisan politics. Their egregious practices portrayed in the videos that have been released over the last several weeks show a callous organization unworthy of taxpayer dollars,” Cotton said. “Regrettably, Senate Democrats refused to even allow for an open and honest debate on this issue. Rest assured, I will continue to honor the God-given rights to life and liberty enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by our Constitution by striving to guarantee those rights to the ones least able to defend themselves—the unborn.”

The website for Planned Parenthood was down Monday night. However, Cecile Richards, the group’s president, said Monday afternoon that the group helps women with medical support.

“The vote tonight is about denying women access to birth control, cancer screenings, testing and treatment for many women where Planned Parenthood is their only doctor,” Richards told MSNBC.

Additionally, some media outlets have questioned the authenticity of the Planned Parenthood videos due to editing cuts made in the controversial footage.