Tolbert: RNC Uses Pryor’s Own Words Against Him

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 161 views 

Sen. Mark Pryor is not having a very good Monday.  After a new Talk Business poll shows him trailing Rep. Tom Cotton by more than 8 points – or 7 points if you use a turnout model favorable to what Democrats are hoping for.

President Obama told Al Sharpton in an interview that while he can’t visit states like Arkansas “these are all folks who vote with me.”  I am not sure Pryor appreciates the help.

Meanwhile, the Republican National Committee is pushing back with a new video that uses Pryor’s own words against him.

“(Sen. Tim Hutchinson) has gone to Washington and he has voted over 95% of the time – in most years – with this political party. I don’t consider that very bipartisan and I don’t think you do either,” says Pryor in video from his first 2002 campaign against the incumbent Republican.

The words sting as the RNC video points out the voting record of Pryor who, according to a CQ Politics study, voted with President Obama and the Democratic Party more than 93% of the time. While Pryor is trying very hard to sell himself as bipartisan, his own definition and his voting record seems to refute that.

The video also show footage of Pryor heaping praise on Obama when he was running for President back in 2008.

“My sense is that there is a destiny about Barack Obama. He is the kind of guy that is exactly right for this moment in history,” says Pryor in the video.

Pryor gives the RNC plenty of footage using his own words.