Tolbert: Cotton Expanding Ad Reach

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 171 views 

It almost seems impossible, but the Tom Cotton for Senate campaign is spending even more of the reach of its campaign advertising with a new ad going up today. The ad features Gina Martin of Little Rock Tours and known to many as a former co-host on KARN’s morning radio show. The ad – “Gina” – has Martin discussing how Sen. Pryor’s vote for Obamacare has made it more difficult for her business.

The campaign tells me today that the ad is part of an expanded buy of nearly a half million dollars bring their total ad buy reserve from September through November up to $2.2 million.

“The Cotton campaign made the decision to increase its television buy after surpassing 3rd quarter fundraising goals,” Cotton spokesman David Ray tells me today. Ray declined to say just how much had been raised with the final third quarter ending on Tuesday, but he said the campaign is “very pleased” with the results and that was a factor in their ad expansion.

What is notable is that the Cotton campaign is not only hitting the usual Arkansas television markets, but also putting down ad buys in Shreveport (LA), Memphis (TN), and Springfield (MO). These markets allow the campaign to hit corners of the state – such as Texarkana, Harrison, and West Memphis – that do not see as many Arkansas ads.

In addition, American Crossroads GPS will be buying another $1.1 million in ad buys for a rerun. Their “Spelling Bee” ad was ranked one of the best ads of the election cycle by CNN earlier this year, so it is not a surprise they have re-upped with this familiar spot.