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Fayetteville Community Radio Prepares for Broadcast
KPSQ’s Team Activity meeting July 14 is a follow-up to the recent Radio Roundup event last month. Rapid progress is being made in getting the studio and transmission system built and KPSQ is encouraging participation in a variety of project and production teams which will coordinate the next priority stages to begin broadcasting.  Individuals who have technical, audio, computer, radio, or web experience are needed. Those who want to produce a show or would like to be involved as a volunteer or supporter, are all welcomed to be part of Fayetteville's first Alternative Local Community Radio Station.  

KPSQ plans to begin broadcasting this fall, providing training and pre-production opportunities well ahead of the official on-air date.
For more information people are encouraged to email [email protected], visit Fayetteville Community Radio 97.3 on Facebook, or call 479-236-1676.