Survey highlights need for diverse NWA transportation options
by February 18, 2025 10:18 am 424 views
The Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission recently released findings from its 2024 Regional Transportation Survey, conducted by Ariel Strategic Communications.
The survey, completed every five years, shows growing demand in Northwest Arkansas for diverse transportation options, including public transit, cycling and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure.
Traffic congestion remains a concern, with 88% of respondents reporting increased congestion between 2019 and 2024. However, this is down from 94% in the previous survey. The survey shows that car travel satisfaction has improved, with more respondents rating rush-hour congestion as manageable compared to similar-sized cities. However, satisfaction with non-auto travel, including cycling and walking, remains low.
Public support for alternatives to vehicle use increased. The survey shows 71% of respondents consider funding for public transportation by area governments in Benton and Washington counties to be “very important,” a 10% increase from 2019. Concerns rose about unsafe or disconnected pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, with 58% of respondents identifying gaps in sidewalks and trails as a pressing issue, up 17% from 2019.
Large truck traffic remained a top issue for respondents, while concerns about air quality increased compared to 2019.
“The growing demand for improved public transit and safer biking and walking infrastructure sends a clear message: Our community is ready for change and expanded transportation choice,” said Tim Conklin, executive director of Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission. “This sets the stage for our organization and regional partners as we chart a path toward 2050.”
The new survey, completed in August, included responses from 420 randomly selected residents in Benton and Washington counties. The 2019 survey had 834 respondents.
Link here for a PDF of the report.