Arkansas coalition receives $99.9 million EPA grant for environmental projects - Talk Business & Politics

Arkansas coalition receives $99.9 million EPA grant for environmental projects

by Talk Business & Politics staff ( 524 views 

A coalition of groups representing Northwest Arkansas, the Fort Smith metro and central Arkansas will receive $99.999 million from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to support climate change reduction efforts in the three areas.

According to Monday’s (July 22) EPA announcement, the grant funds will pay for technologies and programs that reduce harmful emissions, and pay for infrastructure, housing, and other “competitive economy” developments “needed for a clean energy future.”

“When estimates provided by all selected applicants are combined, the proposed projects would reduce greenhouse gas pollution by as much as 971 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent by 2050, roughly the emissions from 5 million average homes’ energy use each year for over 25 years,” noted the EPA press release announcing the funds.

The “Energy and Environment Innovation for the Natural State” proposal was one of 25 large applications from regions in 30 states to receive $4.3 billion in EPA grants. Little Rock-based Metroplan was the lead agency on the grant, with the Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission and the City of Fort Smith as the other two partners. The three groups receiving the grant funds are identified as the Arkansas Tri-Region CPRG (Climate Pollution Reduction Grant) Coalition.

Metroplan will receive a $48.5 million allocation for staffing, pass-through grants, and subawards for project implementation, plus $750,000 for in-house grant administration for a total of $49.25 million. Northwest Arkansas will receive $36.25 million for its Green Networks initiative. The Fort Smith metro will receive a $14.5 million allocation for use as subawards and direct project costs to the City of Fort Smith and nonprofit organizations.

“Metroplan will meet with an EPA Project Officer over the next few weeks to review our project budget, workplan, performance measures, and activity timeline. Organizations implementing portions of the program through subawards will be kept apprised of our progress towards a grant agreement with EPA,” noted a statement from Metroplan to Talk Business & Politics.

A Metroplan press release said Arkansas coalition projects will include:
• Sequestering and reduction of emissions by protecting and restoring natural areas;
• Increasing efficiency, and improving access to active transportation and transit;
• Installing LED streetlights and EV charging stations; and,
• Plans to support net-zero technologies for public and commercial buildings.

“By preserving critical outdoor spaces, enhancing active transportation, and demonstrating innovative energy solutions, the CPRG Implementation funding will be transformative for the Natural State and our state’s growing economy and tourism. Our coalition’s selection for an award speaks to the benefits of partnerships among and within regions to achieve common energy and environment innovation goals,” noted Metroplan Executive Director Casey Covington.

Details on Metroplan projects and programs can be found here, with this link connecting to Northwest Arkansas projects, and this link connecting to Fort Smith plans and programs.

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