Walmart reports on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts

by Kim Souza ([email protected]) 1,016 views 

Walmart is the nation’s largest private employer with more than 1.625 million employees. The retail giant boasts about efforts to be an employer of choice for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual preference or gender.

“We want everyone to know they belong at Walmart. The culture they experience and the opportunities with which they are presented make that possible. We want every associate to feel accepted, valued and supported, so we are constantly working to bring our values to life through our culture and strengthen the ladder of opportunity,” Walmart CEO Doug McMillon noted in the latest diversity report released Friday (April 19).

Walmart reports women represent 51.63% of its U.S. workforce, with 52.17% of women being hourly employees, 44.31% in management positions, and 38.72% are officers. The number of women employed in the U.S. business is down from 52.41% in the prior year. Women holding management positions increased from 44.07% and female officer ranks are up 36.75% year over year.

Walmart also reports its global representation of women holding officer positions for the U.S. women and people of color is at its highest level since 2001.

Representation for people of color in the U.S. workforce increased 1.4% year over year, thanks to growth in Latino representation. Walmart said women of color comprise 28.47% of the  U.S. workforce, compared to 30.09% in 2023. People of color make up 59.21%, up from 58.16% a year ago. Black employees make up 28.8%, down from 29.29% last year.  Asian employees total 3.24%, up from 2.99%. Latino workers comprise 20.64%, up from 19.1% in 2023. The number of Native American employees decreased slightly to 1.38% as did Pacific Islanders to 0.21%. Employees with two or more races increased to 4.95%, up from 4.85% last year.

Walmart said it has also made improvements in raising the levels of management and officers among people of color. The retailer said 42.51% of people of color hold management positions in 2024, up from 40.65% a year ago. The officer ranks also improved for people of color to 29.66% from 27.61% a year ago. Latino employees holding management positions increased to 14.08%, up from 10.93%. The officer ranks for Latino employees totaled 5.33% in 2024, down from 5.67% the prior year.

The average age of hourly employees was 38.46 years old. Those holding management positions had an average age of 41.25 years, but the company did not report the average of the officer ranks, The age demographics were on par with the 2023 report.

Women comprised 43.42% of the total management promotions last year. However, management promotions for women improved 40% year over year, according to the retailer. Women of color totaled 19.76% of management promotions in 2024, up from 17.34% in the prior year. People of color comprised 44.8% of the total management promotions in 2024, up from 42.68% year over year. Blacks comprised 11.74% of the management promotions in 2024, down from 12.04% in the year-ago period. Latinos made up 13.57% of the management promotions in 2024, up from 11.88% year over year.

Walmart U.S. CEO John Furner noted in the report that while progress is being made, “we continue to push ourselves, both within the company and as an industry.”