Northeast Arkansas Women in Business Class of 2020

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 1,605 views 

We are pleased to introduce to you the 2020 class of Northeast Arkansas Women in Business award winners.

  • Holly Acebo
  • Suzanne Allen
  • Susan Beasley
  • Graycen Bigger
  • Neely Camp
  • Rep. Fran Cavanaugh
  • Amanda Herget
  • Kasey Holder
  • Tamika Jenkins
  • Karen McDaniel

This is our second year producing this award for the region, and we are thrilled with the distinguished group of nominees we received. These women have helped build Northeast Arkansas into the growing powerhouse it is today, and they are helping advance its future. I want to add that there were several great candidates from which we had to narrow down our choices this year. We consider your nomination active again for next year’s class.

We hope you enjoy learning more about the women in this year’s selections. We’ve solicited questions to help you better understand what makes them tick and how they’ve achieved as much as they have. All of them make a noticeable impact on people who do business with them and work alongside them.

Through a Q&A format, the 10 women featured in our latest issue discuss some of the key aspects behind their leadership, drive and commitment in serving the Northeast Arkansas region. From their professional endeavors to the energy they pour into their communities, they have made and are continuing to make a difference.

Many thanks to our sponsor of this award, Ritter Communications. It is a company that values women in leadership roles and sets an example for other companies to follow. Ritter Communications is also an instrumental player in the strong growth in Northeast Arkansas as well as other communities across the state and Mid-South.

Our honorees will get special recognition from Northeast Arkansas Talk Business & Politics through a virtual event later this month. We wish we could get together in person in a large networking environment, but we all know the circumstances we’re under with COVID-19. We will be together soon and celebrate face-to-face.

Congratulations to the Women in Business honorees of 2020. You can access the online version of our latest NEA Talk Business & Politics here to read more about them and we’ll be featuring their individual profiles on our web site in the days to come.