Create@State Symposium goes virtual due to pandemic

by George Jared ([email protected]) 235 views 

In the wake of the institution’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, Arkansas State University students are pressing on with the annual Create@State Symposium, a spring semester hallmark at ASU since 2011.

In keeping with the national directive for social distancing, this year’s “Create@State: A Symposium of Research, Scholarship & Creativity,” will be livestreamed on Create@State’s YouTube channel and local area Suddenlink cable systems, with production by ASU-TV.

The virtual symposium, Monday through Wednesday, (April 20-22), will feature 145 presentations, including oral, poster, creative, and sales pitches, by approximately 165 undergraduate and graduate student presenters. Sessions start at 12:30 p.m. each day.

“We are grateful for the engagement of our external stakeholders and alumni who are dedicated to judging these presentations each year and providing valuable feedback to our students,” said Emily Devereux, executive director of Research and Technology Transfer, and Student Research & Creativity.

Cash awards will be presented during a virtual awards celebration at 2 p.m. Friday (April 24), which, like the Create@State presentations, will be livestreamed. Awards will include the deans’ awards for college categories, the InfoReady endowed award, and the Chancellor’s Overall Create@State award.

“Create@State showcases the faculty-mentored works of our high-achieving students from across all the university’s colleges and disciplines,” added Dr. Tom Risch, vice provost for Research and Technology Transfer. “During these extraordinary times, the need to engage in research, scholarship and creativity is more vital than ever. This symposium represents the annual culminating event of A-State’s Create@State program, which enhances opportunity throughout the year for student research and creativity and enriches co-curricular learning experiences in all disciplines.”

Noting the resilience demonstrated by both students and faculty, Devereux added, “A-State’s Student Research & Creativity has had impeccable representation throughout the 2019-20 academic year at organized state, regional, and national student research events, and we are extremely excited to celebrate with them, during Create@State, in their many accomplishments.”

The Create@State Symposium is a culmination of collaborative efforts by faculty mentors, chairs and deans of each of the colleges, working with Research and Technology Transfer along with University Advancement, KASU, ASU-TV, Marketing and Creative Services, Blackboard Support, the Student Research and Philanthropy Councils, and Assessment.

“The works you will see this week are a testament to A-State’s strong mentorship and inclusivity provided to our students by outstanding faculty research and creativity mentors,” Risch added.

College of Sciences and Mathematics students will make their presentations Monday, followed by the College of Nursing and Health Professions, which continues through the Tuesday schedule.

Students from the colleges of Agriculture, Griffin Business, Education and Behavioral Science, Engineering and Computer Science, and Liberal Arts and Communication will present Wednesday.

Suddenlink cable systems in several communities carry ASU-TV, including channel 18 in Jonesboro. Interested individuals may also access the presentations later on the Create@State YouTube channel,