Talk Business & Politics Daily: The Sen. Bart Hester top legislative priorities (and World Series pick) edition

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 187 views 

Editor’s note: You can watch the full video of today’s Talk Business & Politics Daily at the end of this report, or download an audio version through the iTunes store under “Talk Business & Politics.”


On Tuesday’s Talk Business & Politics Daily digital newscast, Sen. Bart Hester begins our new regular series focusing on state legislators and their key priorities. We hope to have a little fun with them along the way.

Sen. Hester, R-Cave Springs, says he will be active in the 2017 regular session on a number of major and minor issues. His biggest push, however, will be for another major tax cut.

“The number one thing is going to be an income tax cut. That’s going to be the largest thing I’m fighting for,” Hester said.

How large of a tax cut?

“I think we’ve got to be north of $100 million again. We’ve proven in Arkansas that our budgets are raising that much, our general revenues are, and I think the people of Arkansas deserve it,” he added.

Last week, Hester made a comment on Twitter in response to state recidivism data. He tweeted, “77% of these criminals WILL reoffend. Which do want as your neighbor? We have a crime problem not a prison problem.”

Hester was asked to explain the “crime” versus “prison” comment.

“Just because our prisons are filling up doesn’t mean we shouldn’t build a new prison, or shouldn’t deal with the people in prison, [that] they shouldn’t be held accountable for the crimes they’re committing. We don’t have a prison problem, we have a crime problem, we have a family dynamic problem in Arkansas, and I think it’s all over the country,” said Hester. “Ultimately, you can’t solve crime and make people safer by letting more people out of prison. It doesn’t work.”

Does Hester advocate building another prison?

“I would advocate building another prison before I advocate letting felons out of jail. Absolutely,” he said.

The legislative Q&A also discussed Arkansas Works and the prospects for another budget battle, as well as some lighter questions on the Olympics and Hester’s pick for the World Series.

Watch his full interview below along with our Top Stories of the day, a preview of our new Finance microsite, and Northeast Arkansas Political Animals Club co-chairs L.J. Bryant and Andrea Allen discussing the State Senate race between incumbent Democrat Sen. David Burnett and GOP challenger Rep. Dave Wallace.