Libertarian Party to hold nominating event for 3rd Congressional District vacancy

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 165 views 

The Libertarian Party of Arkansas will hold a special nominating convention on Jan. 23 at Foghorn’s restaurant at 1815 Green Acres Rd. in Fayetteville to fill the vacancy in nomination for the Third Congressional District seat.

The vacancy was created when candidate Nathan LaFrance of Bella Vista had to withdraw due to taking a position out of state. Gov. Asa Hutchinson responded to the LPAR’s request and declared a vacancy in nomination for the position, and has directed that the party hold a nominating convention by Jan. 25.

The convention is set to begin at 1 p.m. Nominations will be taken and current party members may vote. The convention is open to the public as well as the press. For additional information, contact Party Secretary William Brackeen at 501-581-3113 or [email protected].