Tusk to Tail: The ‘Blow It’ Bowl and 7 Predictions from Highly Effective Tailgaters

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 107 views 

The big question this week is who is going to suck less, Arkansas or Tennessee? Even the biggest homer in the Tusk to Tail crew says the Hogs will lose. And the band played on …

Has this season’s 1-3 start changed your view of Coach Bret Bielema?

Les Pedeza
Sure. Even with our injuries (including J. Williams), nobody expected a 1-3 start. If we finish strong this year, people will still be concerned at the beginning of next season. The poor record in close games doesn't help.

Sean Casey
The start to this season has not changed my view on Bielema. My attitude has been to wait and see how he does, sprinkled with some skepticism that a ground and pound offense can consistently win at Arkansas. Bielema is a smart guy, and is certainly working hard to rescue the season. Looking back to the Petrino and John L Smith debacle, I am not surprised that the program is struggling with upperclassmen recruited from that era.

Jack Clark
This season has not really changed my mind about Bielema. I know that I earlier predicted 8-9 wins, but since then, I have promised myself to NEVER, EVER fall for preseason propaganda again. Bielema will never win more than 8 games.

Craig May
As a fan it’s been a really frustrating season, and like most I had high expectations coming in. I think to understand where we are today it’s important to remember where we’ve been. The program was a dumpster fire when Coach Bielema arrived. Bobby Petrino’s last 2 recruiting classes were subpar at best and the program went through 12 months with little player development under John L. Smith. I remember thinking at that time it was going to take five years to rebound from everything that went on. I think we are still on track but the way we finished the 2014 season gave people the impression we were ahead of schedule.

Coach Bielema has recruited better than any coach at Arkansas since Frank Broyles. He has gone into Florida, Texas and Louisiana to sign SEC quality players. The problem is he’s only signed two and half classes at Arkansas. You can’t expect a coach to come in and change the offensive philosophy and build quality depth with two recruiting classes. The fans need to continue to support the team and coaching staff as they continue to build this football program. I think people will like results.

Arkansas @ Tennessee

Dale Cullins
I really feel like the Hogs are going to win this one. The Hogs will be playing with their backs to the wall and some hunger. For Tennessee, I hope the distraction of the loss at Florida is pulling the team in different directions. The Vols have the offense to win this game but I just don't think they can pull it together again.  Ark 27, Tenn 20.

Greg Houser
Once again I'm putting myself out there as a homer. This time I'll say Tennessee by 3, but that still feels like a homer stance. I'm very pleased to see the kids playing better.

David Rice
Arkansas loses 3-2. The Vols FG is scored when someone named Colquitt banks the ball off an official’s head over the crossbar. The safety occurs in the red zone when Denver Kirkland inadvertently steps on Brandon Allen’s foot, causing Allen to take an 80+ yard sack in the endzone.

Mark Wagner
Arkansas wins this game. They were so close last week, and this is the week when they realize they can finish and when a game. Likely the game will be played in rainy weather, which should favor a running team. This one will be close. Arkansas 24, Tennessee 21

Todd Rudisill
Both fan bases are on suicide watch after both teams had gut wrenching losses last week. This game has been pegged the “Blow It” Bowl. We’ve lost 3 straight games to a team that starts with the letter “T.” Let’s hope the T streak ends this week. Hogs 31-28. See you in Knoxville.

#23 West Virginia @ #15 Oklahoma
Greg Houser
I’m not a Sooners fan, so I'll take WV by 10. Oh who am I kidding? I'd take the Blind Sisters of St. Whomever to win over OU!

Todd Rudisill
I’ll be honest. I know nothing about West Virginia except they like to burn couches after games. OU 28-24.

#21 Mississippi State @ #14 Texas A&M
Mark Wagner
Same scenario as last year: The Aggies beat the Hogs and lose to State the following week. The real issue is if Miss State is as good as their ranking? I think they may not be that good, but I believe they are better than the Aggies. Miss State 27, Texas A&M 17

Les Pedeza
The teams that beat the Hogs have proven tough. Advantage Aggies.

#13 Alabama @ #8 Georgia
Dale Cullins
UGA has the better overall team, but they have yet to be tested this year like they will against Bama. I see this being a low scoring game and Bama will cut out the mistakes and bloody UGAs nose. Bama 24, UGA 21

Todd Rudisill
This is a tough one. Is Bama any good? I can’t tell. Will Georgia pull a Georgia? You think they are really good, but when a big game comes around they “Georgia it.” Can Bama really start 0-2 in the SEC? I’m going to roll the dice and go with the Dawgs, 34-27.

#6 Notre Dame @ #12 Clemson
Jack Clark
Notre Dame will find a way to win again. Having God on their side really helps.

Les Pedeza
Jack knows all things Notre Dame. I agree with him.

#3 Mississippi @ #25 Florida
Sean Casey
Florida escaped Tenner with a narrow win last weekend, so the Gators may come into the game with a bit of a hangover. Ole Miss knocks the jorts off the Gators Saturday, and wins 42-24.

Todd Rudisill
Ole Miss looked horrible against Vanderbilt last week but pulled out a 12-point win. A win is a win. Many are saying there had to be an emotional letdown after going on the road and winning in Tuscaloosa. I’ll buy that. But still it’s Vanderbilt, who you should smoke even if you aren’t all there emotionally. Gators have a tough D so it will make it interesting. In the end I think the Black Bears offense will be too much. Black Bears, 31-20.