Amazeum Opens To Enthusiastic ‘Member’ Crowd Taking A Sneak Peek

by Kim Souza ([email protected]) 131 views 

The much anticipated Scott Family Amazeum in Bentonville opened its doors on Monday (July 13) allowing members a sneak peek into the expansive $24 million children’s wonderland that spans roughly 40,000 square feet. There are about 20,000 square feet of indoor exhibits and another 20,000 feet of exploration space outdoors.

Children’s laughter echoed through the premises as they began making their way toward the exhibits which range from painting in the art studio, grocery shopping at Wal-Mart, to learning how tornados are formed.

The discovery museum was a labor love by many early supporters like Lee and Linda Scott and their family, and of course the $10 million matching grant and land given by the Walton Family Foundation. Hershey’s Nickelodeon, Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, General Mills and 3M are signature sponsors.

To date the Amazeum has raised $27 million of its $28.5 million campaign which includes operating expenses for the first year. The cost to build the complex structure was roughly $24 million which includes about 50,000 square feet of space for exhibits, administration, gift shop, lobby, restrooms and storage.

No one is more excited to see it finished than perhaps Sam Dean, executive director, who said choosing his favorite exhibit would be like choosing a favorite child. He said it’s an unbelievable experience that will live up to its name, time and time again.

“I really like the climate and how vertical we are in the space with the big leaves in the sky that kids can climb up on. Then there’s the cave inside a building which is almost ridiculous and it’s quite unexpected which makes it even better. Then there’s the water feature that has so much water coming down and the kids can play around it, enjoy it while staying mostly dry,” Dean said.

Another favorite spot, which is somewhat unusual in children’s museums, particularly in large urban areas, is the expansive outdoor space. Dean said the landscaping crews are still working to plant a maze of shrubs and other last touches before the official opening day July 15.

When asked about the biggest hurdle to opening, Dean said the relentless rain in last three months put some projects behind. He said the glasswork completion was challenging and the landscapers have still not finished in the outdoor play area, which is why that part of the museum was not open for members previewing the venue on Monday (July 13).

He expects the outdoor area to be nearly as popular for families as the museum itself.

“I can see families having picnics on the green lawn with the kids discovering and playing nearby. The hedge maze is going to be really cool. There is a stream that flows through the middle playground with a waterfall and bridge feature. We went for natural materials in this outdoor space,” Dean said.

Officials expect the Amazeum will host 160,000 guests the first year. They expect to see 2,000 on opening day. Dean said representatives from the signature sponsors also will be on-hand opening day to help with the celebration.

Dean said membership sales have been strong, which is a good indication there will be lots of local children enjoying the venue this year. Officials report more than 1,600 members have already joined. School children from Washington and Benton Counties also will be able to experience the Amazeum on field trips for free this year thanks in part to a $327,000 grant from the Walmart Foundation that will cover admission costs for 20,000 students.

With so many expected to visit regularly, Dean said the staff is already working behind the scenes to keep the experience fresh for local children who will likely make repeated trips. The massive exhibits are part of the infrastructure and will likely stay in place for many years, but he said guest exhibits and guest speakers will be brought in to share stories and learning with the children.

“The museum is a backdrop, but it’s the people in the community that will help to drive the experiences and the ongoing evolution of the Amazeum. I can see an Ozark clogger coming in on a Saturday morning and clogging with the kids or a 4-million-mile truck driver for Wal-Mart sitting down and telling trade stories of his days on the road. That’s where experience can also take root,” Dean said.

He said the momentum has been building for many years and the museum staff and supporters are ready to share it with the rest of the world.

“Our work is just now beginning. It’s like we have trained and qualified for the Olympic games which are just about to start. We could not be more thrilled,” Dean said.

Opening Day: Wednesday July 15, 2015
Time: 10 a.m. for the public, members may enter at 9 a.m.
Address: 1009 Museum Way, at the entrance to Crystal Bridges Museum
Cost: $9.50 person ages 2 years and older.