LakeSmart Program

by The City Wire staff ( 108 views 

Program Director for the Beaver LakeSmart Program to Speak at Hobbs State Park

LakeSmart is a watershed education program that focuses on voluntary actions and best management practices that individuals can do where they live, work, and play to protect and improve the water quality of their local lakes, rivers, and streams.  

LakeSmart generally focuses on homeowners and residents.   The program addresses issues like landscape management, managing wells and water, septic system management, household hazardous wastes, and runoff to protect the health and safety of individuals and the watershed in which they live.  However; many ideas can be applied to larger audiences such as schools, churches, businesses, and civic organizations.  Each participant will receive a DVD, materials on watershed protection, and a binder that addresses each of the topics presented in the LakeSmart Program.

Angela Danovi, Program Director for the organization, completed her Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Soil Science and a Master of Science in Geography with a focus in water quality, at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.  

Where:  Hobbs State Park – Conservation Area visitor center located on Hwy 12 just east of the Hwy 12/War Eagle Road intersection.
When:    Sunday April 26, 2015   2:00 p.m.
Cost:     FREE

This program is a continuation of the Friends of Hobbs Speaker Series.  For more information call the park office at:  479-789-5000

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