Friends of Hobbs Speaker Asks the Question, “Are you Septic Smart?”

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 93 views 

A failed septic system, or one in disrepair, can lower your property value, and can be very expensive to repair or replace.  It can also impact public health, the environment, and could pose a legal liability.  Poor maintenance is often the culprit.  A key reason to maintain your septic system is to save money!    If you have to replace a septic system, you are looking at thousands of dollars.  Having your septic system inspected and/or pumped regularly is a bargain when you consider the cost of replacing the entire system.
     Caroline Eastman is an Environmental Health Specialist in the Onsite Wastewater Program with the Arkansas Department of Health.  She has worked with septic systems for the last 10 years and in the environmental field for almost 20 years.   Eastman says, “Unfortunately most people we deal with wait until there is a major problem with their system before they do anything.  At that point the damage is done.  We are trying to change that mindset.  You really have to think of yourself as the operator of your own sewage treatment plant – right in your back yard.”
     Eastman has a long list of “Did you know’s?”  For example, when it comes to septic systems, she says, “Did you know that the average American family of four uses approximately 280 gallons of water a day in their household?  25% of that is generally from the toilet.  Did you know that the average cost of pumping your septic tank is $250.00, while the average cost of replacing your system is $5,000.00 to $8,000.00?  Did you know that a major problem in clogging up septic tanks is flushable wipe products?  Did you know that you shouldn’t use powder laundry detergent because it contains non-biodegradable fillers?”
     For those who utilize septic tanks for their home or business, you will not want to miss Caroline Eastman’s program at Hobbs State Park.   Eastman said, “I will talk about the different types of septic systems, how they function, and what you can do to maintain your system.   When it comes to septic systems, ‘Out of sight, out of mind’ is not a good maintenance strategy.”

Where:  Hobbs State Park visitor center located on Hwy 12 just east of the Hwy 12/War Eagle Road Intersection     
When:   Sunday March 29, 2015   2:00 p.m.          
Cost:  Free
For more information call:  479-789-5000
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