Leopold Education Project
by January 28, 2015 1:52 pm 113 views
Leopold Education Project to be Held at Hobbs State Park
The Leopold Education Project (LEP) is an interdisciplinary, critical thinking, conservation and environmental education curriculum based on the classic “A Sand County Almanac” by Aldo Leopold. LEP teaches about humanity’s ties to the natural environment in the effort to conserve and protect earth’s natural resources. It is the educational outreach program for The Aldo Leopold Foundation.
The LEP is open to all environmental educators including: Environmental science teachers, Master Naturalists, Stream Team leaders, Conservation districts, and state park and nature center interpreters. Participants will receive Exploring the Outdoors CD, A Sand County Almanac, CD of additional activities, Certificate of Completion, A free 1-year membership to the Aldo Leopold Foundation, and more.
You will receive six hours ADE professional development. You MUST complete all six hours to be certified and to receive curricula.
Where: Hobbs State Park – Conservation Area visitor center, located on Hwy 12 just east of the Hwy 12/War Eagle Road intersection.
When: 9 am – 3:30 pm on Friday March 6, 2015
Cost: $35.00
Bring your lunch & drinks. To register and for more information, contact LEP Arkansas at suzannehirrel@gmail.com or call 501-224-9419 and ask for Suzanne or Marc Hirrel.