Tolbert: New Poll Shows Lead For Republicans Asa And Cotton

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 126 views 

The latest poll out Sunday from NBC News/Marist shows positive movement for both the Republican campaigns of Asa Hutchinson for Governor and Tom Cotton for Senate.  The poll was conducted this month and surveyed 639 likely voters.

In the race for governor, the poll found…

Asa Hutchinson (R) – 48%
Mike Ross (D) – 39%
Frank Gilbert (L) – 3%
Josh Drake (G) – 3%
Undecided – 7%

Asa announced the poll results Sunday at a Republican rally in Saline County to a cheering crowd.

“We have a good lead right now, but that means nothing if we don’t get voters to the polls,” Hutchinson reminded his troops warning them to “put on their seat belts” as the negative political advertising is likely to pour into the state between now and the election.

“Ross has facilitated the national Democratic agenda for the last 10 years pushing for more government,” said Hutchinson. “I want to be the ‘jobs governor’ with lower taxes, less government, and less regulation.”

The Marist Poll also showed a five point lead for Republican Congressman Tom Cotton in his Senate race…

Tom Cotton (R) – 45%
Mark Pryor (D) – 40%
Nathan LaFrance (L) – 2%
Mark Swaney (G) – 3%
Undecided – 9%

UPDATECBS/NYT Poll also has Cotton up – Cotton 43% over Pryor 39%.
