August Sales Tax Collections Down In Craighead County, Up In Jonesboro

by Michael Wilkey ([email protected]) 241 views 

Sales tax collections for Jonesboro and Craighead County were like the proverbial yo-yo during August, officials said Tuesday.

The city collected $1,308,268.53 in sales taxes during August, up slightly from the $1,304,475.75 collected during the same time in 2013.

Meanwhile, Craighead County saw its numbers go down as the county collected $1,452,035.47 in August compared to the $1,493,856,58 collected during August 2013.

Jonesboro Chief Financial Officer Ben Barylske said the slight increase continues a four-month improvement in sales tax collections for the city.

However, Barylske said the city’s sales tax figures were down earlier this year due to several factors.

“It was a cold winter. ASU was out of school for six weeks (during winter break), which was odd and the construction at the hospital (NEA Baptist) stopped,” Barylske said.

By contrast, Craighead County Treasurer Terry McNatt said the county saw four consecutive months of negative numbers earlier this year, ranging from a nearly $25,000 drop in January to a $93,000 drop in March.

“It has gone up and down,” McNatt said of the county’s numbers. “I have some ideas on the reasons for why. But I don’t want to say at this point.”

McNatt agreed with Barylske on the construction issue, saying the lack of a large construction project on par with NEA Baptist, has led to a drop.

“But I see the potential of a large construction project (going on),” McNatt said.

Both men said the economic bottom line might be moving due to sales tax rebates being claimed. The rebates are often claimed when construction companies finish a project, McNatt said. So far this year, $376,845.78 in rebates have been claimed in Craighead County while $300,000 has been claimed in Jonesboro, both men said.

McNatt said he believes the sales tax numbers may go up in September due to the Labor Day weekend as well as the start of the ASU football season.