Election Central: National GOP Power Players Come To Arkansas - Talk Business & Politics

Election Central: National GOP Power Players Come To Arkansas

by Talk Business & Politics staff (staff2@talkbusiness.net) 151 views 

A new ad takes on an old topic, and Republicans bringing in national GOP power for campaigning this week. KATV’s Scott Inman reports today’s Election Central Daily Brief.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee launching a new ad Tuesday hammering Republican Senate candidate Tom Cotton over a vote he made against a funding bill for Arkansas Children’s Hospital.

It’s the second ad hitting Cotton over the issue. The new ad targets Cotton’s vote on a bill that passed the U.S. House in February 2013 by a vote of 352-50.

According to Congress.gov, it was an appropriations bill for “children’s hospitals for expenses associated with operating approved graduate and medical training programs.”

The Cotton campaign responded with this:

“Senator Pryor’s Washington allies are doubling down on their false attacks. The truth is that no funding for Arkansas Children’s Hospital was lost because of these votes, and Tom Cotton has voted repeatedly to fund pediatric research, including his strong support for the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act.”

The ad fires back on Cotton saying, “We can’t trust him to stand up for Arkansas or tell the truth.”

The DSCC says the ad is the second ad that is part of a multi-million dollar advertising buy in Arkansas.

Republican Asa Hutchinson is bringing in a former presidential candidate to boost his campaign for Governor. Hutchinson will appear with former Massachusetts Governor and Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney Wednesday at ASU in Jonesboro.

Hutchinson’s campaign says the press conference will center around job creation and economic growth. They say they chose ASU because Hutchinson wants the school’s graduates to be able to find a good job and stay in the state. Hutchinson’s campaign says Romney wanted to help campaign and publicly voice his support for Asa.

In Central Arkansas, U.S. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy makes a swing through Little Rock and Hot Springs on Wednesday to campaign for two Congressional candidates. The California Congressman will appear with Second District candidate French Hill at Welspun Tubular Pipes in the Little Rock Port. The two are expected to tout the Keystone Pipeline. McCarthy will then appear later in the day in Hot Springs with Fourth District GOP candidate Bruce Westerman.

Today, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus was in Little Rock to tout the candidacies of Westerman, Cotton, and GOP Attorney General nominee Leslie Rutledge.

Second District Democratic Congressional nominee Pat Hays rolled out his second TV commercial on Tuesday. The ad touts his “business-friendly” approach as North Little Rock’s mayor. Hays says he combined nine different services into one building to simplify the process of conducting business with the city. You can view the ad below.

Governor Mike Beebe will be on hand Wednesday morning in Pine Bluff for what’s being called a job creation announcement. Leaders are staying tight-lipped about the specifics. Talk Business sources tell us the announcement is related to the timber and forestry industry. That announcement will be made at the Economic Development Alliance for Jefferson County.

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