Still On The Hill in Concert

by Kreed ([email protected]) 87 views 


Free Family Concert!

Ozark Folkways- June 20th, 2014

An exciting project concerning Beaver Lake and its watershed is afoot in Northwest Arkansas. The popular and award-winning folk duo, Still on the Hill, is writing and recording an entire CD to create awareness about the lake’s history and collective stories.

The project is being made possible through a collaborative grant from the Arkansas Arts Council, an agency of the Department of Arkansas Heritage, and the National Endowment for the Arts to four northwest Arkansas groups – the Association for Beaver Lake Environment (A.B.L.E.), Ozarks Water Watch, Beaver Water District, and Beaver Watershed Alliance, with special additional sponsorship through the Shiloh Museum of Ozark History. This monumental project is allowing Still on the Hill to research, write and record an entire CD about Beaver Lake and its watershed to create awareness about its history and origins in the White River and collective stories of its people.

Still on the Hill will perform a free concert at Ozark Folkways June 20th,  2014 at 7:00 p.m. and will give away 100 CDs (one per family) at the performance on a first come, first served basis. 

These concerts, in addition to being entertaining and educational, will instill a sense of ownership for the protection of this valuable resource, which supplies drinking water and quality of life for one in seven Arkansans!

Ozark Folkways is located at 22733 North Hwy. 71, Winslow, AR 72959 – 479-634-3791