AG McDaniel says Arkansas in a ‘difficult place’ on death penalty rules

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 142 views 

Attorney General Dustin McDaniel says that while lethal injections are gummed up in the legal system, other antiquated methods of carrying out the death penalty – such as the electric chair or a firing squad – have problems of their own.

Appearing on this week’s “Talk Business & Politics” program, which airs Sundays at 9am on KATV Ch. 7, McDaniel spoke on the topic that has been a controversial issue in the race to succeed him.

“It’s a very difficult place we’re in legally,” McDaniel said.

The state has not carried out an execution of a death row inmate since 2006 as lawsuits and market forces have prevented lethal injection executions from taking place.

Manufacturers who have the drugs to carry out lethal injections won’t sell to the state due to retaliation from anti-death penalty activists and doctors who might administer the drugs if they were available have been limited due to ethics concerns.

“There’s no way to guarantee the secrecy, the confidentiality of either the supplier of the drug or the executioner,” McDaniel said. “I’m still a strong supporter of the death penalty and am still doing all that I can to see the legal hurdles removed and to see the sentences carried out.”

David Sterling, a Republican candidate for Attorney General to possibly succeed the term-limited McDaniel, has suggested reinstating the electric chair as a method of execution. McDaniel doesn’t see that as a possibility.

“I think the litigation challenges that we’re facing now on lethal injection would be exponentially increased if we attempted an electric chair [execution]. Take the policy out of it – whether it’s a good idea or a bad idea or whether it’s barbaric or whatever – I don’t think you could ever get to the legal point where a federal court would let us use the electric chair,” he said.

“Honestly, if we were going to go to an antiquated and potentially to a more publicly offensive, but maybe more legally defensible method, the only one that my fellow AGs and I think could meet some of the standards would be a firing squad. But I don’t think the voters, I don’t think the general public is at all comfortable with the gruesome nature of a firing squad,” McDaniel said.