Report: Mike Ross will run for Governor

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 101 views 

It’s been one of the worst kept secrets in Arkansas politics.

Former Arkansas Congressman Mike Ross (D) plans to announce he’ll seek the Democratic nomination for Governor in 2014 on April 17, according to this National Journal report.

The article says Ross will fly to different cities throughout Arkansas that day beginning in Prescott, then Texarkana, Fort Smith, Fayetteville, Jonesboro and Little Rock – locations that include his hometown and multiple media markets across the state.

Capitol insiders have been discussing the April 17 date for several days ever since Ross resigned his governmental affairs post with Southwest Power Pool last week.

Supporters of Ross have been privately discussing the date as a possibility.
A spokesman for Ross declined to comment on the report.

Ross would be challenging already announced Democratic candidate Bill Halter, the former Lt. Governor. Democrat John Burkhalter, an Arkansas highway commissioner, has also been rumored to be considering a run.

Republicans Curtis Coleman and Asa Hutchinson, the former Third District Congressman, have also declared they will seek the Governor’s post.