Lecture | Artists Collaborating with Nature

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Sunday, April 28, 3 to 4:30 pm
Lecture | Artists Collaborating with Nature
Guest Speakers: Crystal Bridges artist Celeste Roberge and Stacy Levy, artist-in-residence for Walton Arts Center’s 2013 Artosphere Festival.
Two environmental artists come together to discuss ways of collaborating with nature to shape earthly materials into an artwork. In this invigorating discussion each artist will present her working methods and philosophy about creating art that works within nature’s time and space.  Crystal Bridges recently installed Roberge’s outdoor sculpture Chaise Gabion on the East Terrace.  As part of Walton Arts Center’s 2013 Artosphere Festival, Levy will work with community members at Lake Fayetteville to install Spiral Wetland, an organic sculpture that reflects water patterns while improving water quality. For more information, visit www.artospherefestival.org. Free for Members with online reservations | $10 for non-members
Purchase tickets online or at Guest Services.