Great Hall Panel Discussion: American Encounters: Thomas Cole and the Narrative Landscape

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Investigate the exhibition, American Encounters: Thomas Cole and the Narrative Landscape, in a panel discussion of Thomas Cole's impressive painting legacy. The panel features a mix of experts. University of Arkansas Professor of Art History Lynn Jacobs will discuss the picturesque tradition of landscape painting beginning with seventeenth-century French and Dutch painters. Oklahoma State University Professor of English, Jeffrey Walker, will discuss the influence of literature on Cole's work, in particular the novels of American writer James Fennimore Cooper. Crystal Bridges' Curator American Art Kevin Murphy will provide an overview of Thomas Cole's career. The panel will be moderated by Director of Curatorial David Houston and Public Programs Coordinator Sara Segerlin, who will set the tone for an engaging conversation between the three speakers and the audience. You are encouraged to ask questions and challenge your perspective on viewing traditional, romantic landscape painting.

The event is free with online reservations. Space is limited.