Elected leaders comment on health care ruling

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 94 views 

Following Thursday’s (June 28) ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court that upheld President Barack Obama’s health-care plan, Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe said his job is to implement a system that best works for Arkansas.

“We will study the impact the Court's ruling will have on health care in Arkansas going forward. In the mean time, our separate initiative to create cost savings and improve health care in Arkansas continues. Our aim is to set an example other states can follow, regardless of what transpires next in Washington, D.C.,” Beebe said in a statement.

Beebe’s peer in Oklahoma had a different take on the ruling.

“I’m extremely disappointed and frustrated by the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the federal health care law,” noted a statement from Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin. “President Obama’s  health care policies will limit patients’ health care choices, reduce the quality of health care in the United States, and will cost the state of Oklahoma more than a half billion dollars in the process.”

Fallin said the court’s ruling “highlights the importance of electing leaders who will work to repeal the federal health care law and replace it with meaningful reform focused on commonsense, market based changes.”

Following are statements from other elected leaders following the Supreme Court ruling.

• U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark.
“The law we passed, while not perfect, is already making health care more affordable, accessible and reliable. It is benefiting children, adults and seniors throughout our state.

“The protections upheld today by the Supreme Court will continue to benefit these families, and thousands of other Arkansans who have struggled with the cost of health care in our country. I am still analyzing today’s ruling. While it provides more certainty, it still allows us to work in a bipartisan way to improve our health care system.”

• U.S. Sen. John Boozman, R-Ark.
“I am disappointed in the outcome but respect the decision reached by the Supreme Court. However, just because the Court found the law to be constitutional, does not mean it is good policy. The President rammed this law through Congress claiming it was not a tax increase but the Court ruled it Constitutional as a tax. This is all the more reason to step up our efforts to repeal the law and its accompanying tax increase, and put in place free market solutions that lower costs and allows a patient centered approach to making health care decisions.”

• U.S. Rep. Steve Womack, R-Rogers
“I am surprised and disappointed with today’s ruling. With respect for the court's decision, I will continue to advocate for full repeal of this massive expansion of government and do away with an unwanted and restrictive tax on the American people by replacing it with common sense, patient-centered reforms.

“The majority of Third District Arkansans are opposed to this law, and I will continue to fight on their behalf to fully repeal it.

“This is a bad day for America — and a major victory for big government.”

• U.S. Rep. Mike Ross, D-Prescott
“I am still reviewing the court's decision, but based on initial reports a majority of the Affordable Care Act, including the individual mandate, will stand. My position remains unchanged. I have always said there were good and bad provisions in this legislation, and going forward, I'll work in a bipartisan manner to improve the law to ensure it provides coverage for the uninsured while protecting those who already have coverage.”